people and community
fashion event shows that inclusivity is always in style
1 min read | november 18, 2024
A woman models ecofriendly clothing during a recent event in Kazakhstan.
A recent fashion show held in a Kazakhstan botanical garden was special for a few reasons.
For one thing, it was unique because it featured models with disabilities. With some taking their turn on the runway in wheelchairs and others wearing hearing devices, for example, these models showed that inclusivity can make a bold statement.
The event was co-organized by ITeachMe. This Kazakhstan-based nonprofit empowers people with disabilities by teaching them professional skills. The fashion show was designed to “promote inclusivity in the fashion industry,” according to Zakhira Begaliyeva, ITeachMe’s founder.
“We want people to understand that regardless of physical attributes, anyone can be successful and achieve their goals,” she said.

The event featured family-friendly activities that aimed to help promote inclusiveness and environmental sustainability.
fashion for a cause
InEcoFest was held at the Main Botanical Garden in Almaty, Kazakhstan’s largest city. The garden promotes scientific knowledge and the preservation and protection of plant life.
“This festival is crucial. It increases understanding and acceptance of inclusion in society,” Begaliyeva said. “Events where inclusivity and ecology intersect can foster a more conscious and responsible attitude and understanding toward the environment and each other.”

Thousands of people turned out for the inaugural InEcoFest festival.
more on that
ITeachMe empowers people with disabilities by teaching them professional skills. Aside from the fashion show, the event featured workshops on:
- Sorting and recycling waste.
- Interacting with people with autism spectrum disorders in public places.
- Caring for and arranging and flowers.
“For us, this is not just an event but an important platform for exchanging ideas,” Begaliyeva said. “We hope that participation in the festival will inspire people to take active measures, increase their awareness of pressing ecological and social issues, and unite everyone in the pursuit of making the world a better and fairer place for all.”
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