one call 811
call 811 before you dig

Before every digging project, a call must be placed to 811.
If your company does excavation work, or if you are a homeowner or farmer who occasionally digs on your property, we need your help in preventing pipeline emergencies. Records show that damage from excavation-related activities, particularly from equipment digging into pipelines, is the number one cause of pipeline accidents. Without proper coordination, excavation activities in the vicinity of underground pipelines can result in very dangerous situations.
Before undertaking any work, excavators have a duty to call to locate any utilities buried beneath the work site.
In fact, it's the law.
The plan is simple…
- Call your State's One Call System at least two working days before excavation is scheduled to begin (please check with your local One Call Center to verify how many days in advance you must notify the operator prior to excavation).
- Wait the required amount of time.
- One of our trained technicians will mark the location of the pipeline for you.
- Respect the marks and carefully dig around the marked areas.
- Dig with care.
Learn more at www.call811.com
what to do if you dig and disturb a pipeline
Even if you cause what seems to be only minor damage to the pipeline, you must notify the pipeline company immediately. A gouge, scrape, dent, or crease to the pipe or coating may cause a future problem. It is imperative that the pipeline owner inspect and repair any damage to the line or coating.
Please contact us immediately at +1 800.762.3404 if you have any questions or concerns.
Southern California
Northern California
Chevron is one of the world's leading integrated energy companies, with subsidiaries that conduct business around the world.
General Information
Chevron Pipe Line Company
1400 Smith St.
Houston, TX 77002
Telephone: +1 877.596.2800
For further tariff information, or to request copies of tariffs no longer in effect, please call toll-free +1 877.488.5332.
You may also email tariff inquiries to tariff@chevron.com.
Pipeline Safety & Disturbances
To report irregularities or damages to a pipeline – scrapes, dents, gouges or disturbances – please contact us immediately at +1 877.596.2800. It is urgent that the pipeline owner inspect and repair any damage to the line or coating.
- American Association of Oil Pipelines opens in new window
- American Petroleum Institute opens in new window
- Common Ground Alliance opens in new window
- Federal Energy Regulatory Commission opens in new window
- National Pipeline Mapping System opens in new window
- Pipeline 101 opens in new window
- 2023 Supplement to the Annual Report pdf opens in new window
- 2023 Annual Report pdf opens in new window
- 2023 Corporate Sustainability Report
- The Chevron Way – English pdf opens in new window
- State One Call Numbers opens in new window
- U.S. D.O.T. Office of Pipeline Safety opens in new window