operational excellence

workforce safety

Preventing fatalities and serious incidents is our top priority. Chevron is committed to continuously improving safety and in this spirit, we innovate to find better ways to protect our workforce.

enabling safe work in our operations

To prevent serious injuries and fatalities (SIFs), we focus on the planning and execution of high-risk activities. We identify and initiate action plans at both the local and enterprise levels to engage front-line leaders and workers and enable safe work. Cross-functional teams work to implement and scale our SIF prevention efforts. Lessons learned are shared throughout the company and applied in our daily practices. We believe the execution of the Operational Excellence Management System (OEMS) is key to our safety performance.
Conduct of Operations (COO) encompasses the standards and practices used to structure operational practices and operations management tasks. Through COO, we can influence the performance of work activities in a deliberate way, reducing variation in outcomes to improve safe, reliable and consistent operational performance. We harmonize existing practices into enterprise-wide business improvement networks (BIN) to reinforce a strong COO, enable effective input on new standards development and promote sharing of best practices. Members of the COO BIN comprise of operations specialists and process safety experts from across Chevron business units and technical functions.
Chevron manages more than 1,500 chemicals in product formulations as part of our Operational Excellence Product Stewardship process. In 2022, we created more than 70,000 safety data sheets in 39 languages. Digital dashboards prioritize the chemicals based on concentration in the product, region of distribution and hazard classification. This provides our business units with the information needed to analyze how and where potentially hazardous chemicals exist in the value chain. It also allows our business partners to make informed decisions about the chemicals they use.
Part of being a good neighbor is being ready to act should an incident occur in the community where we operate. To maintain our vigilance, Chevron systematically tests technologies designed to keep the public and our workforce safe. Recently, our El Segundo Refinery piloted Industrial Scientific Corporation’s SAFER One® solution, a plume-dispersion modeling software that uses live meteorological and gas detection readings to update plume projections in real-time. Incident managers can assess the immediate downwind impact from a point of release to make decisions and deploy resources that reduce potential risk to personnel and the surrounding community.

promoting active partnership

Our approach to workforce safety requires training for all employees and contractors on Chevron's processes, standards and guidelines. Building upon the success of our Contractor HSE Management program, we developed the Contractor Operational Excellence Management (COEM) process to establish clear accountabilities, promote active partnership and provide a consistent process to help prevent serious injuries, fatalities and loss-of-containment events.

COEM process requirements and standards are integrated into practical work instructions, training, procedures, tools and other methods. Best practices and early-adopter experiences are shared through our COEM Community of Practice. In addition, a complementary digital application, eCOEM, enables Operational Excellence (OE) diligence during each phase of the contracting lifecycle.