operational excellence

preparing for potential emergencies

Chevron’s emergency management efforts are focused on prevention, preparedness, response and recovery. We have processes and tools in place to effectively manage emergency response, business continuity and crisis management efforts.

Chevron uses a tiered approach to emergency management. Operating units develop site-specific emergency response and business continuity plans to prepare for all significant risks. The corporate emergency response team is responsible for providing guidance and expertise in emergency response, crisis management and business continuity. The team develops and maintains emergency notification procedures, trains and supports emergency response teams, conducts drills and maintains relationships with organizations that provide emergency response support. Our regional response teams maintain groups of well-trained personnel to assist with emergency response to incidents worldwide.

Chevron participates in international oil spill cooperatives and has relationships with outside experts and contractors. We sit on the boards of directors of the two largest global oil spill cooperatives, the Marine Spill Response Corporation and Oil Spill Response, Ltd. We also work with trade associations such as the American Petroleum Institute and the International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association to advance worldwide oil spill preparedness.

We contract with spill response experts and organizations that can support us in areas such as incident management, wildlife management, oil spill and air dispersion modeling, toxicology, chemistry, fire fighting, communications, shipping and salvage.

Our executive crisis management committee conducts annual exercises to prepare for a range of scenarios that may affect the corporation or require coordination across multiple operating companies.